I officially started my Trim Healthy Mama Journey on December 30, 2019. Before this, I had struggled with losing weight. I was at a plateau after having my daughter in April 2018. I didn't gain any weight during my pregnancy, in fact I had lost 15 pounds after having her! However, no matter what I tried to do following, I just couldn't shake the weight. I was eating the exact same way I had been while pregnant with her - lots of organic food and very little, if any fast food. I couldn't eat ANY fast food while pregnant and I attributed that to my weight loss, for which I was greatly thankful for. This wasn't working anymore however. I couldn't lose any more weight. I was stuck at the weight I was at.
I was introduced to Trim Healthy Mama awhile back by my mom. At the time, it just wasn't feasible for me and I didn't want to MAKE it feasible. I just said, "It's too expensive", "I can't afford the special ingredients", or "It's too much work." I finally reached a point though where things clicked. I could eat what I wanted, really, I just had to MAKE it THM compliant! So I set to work. Now, I wasn't perfect at this, believe me! But as soon as I started with just the simple steps of weeding out the bad ingredients and stocking up on the good stuff, I started to see the difference.
Here I am 2 months later and 10 pounds down from where I started. I feel healthier. I am more energized. And I'm enjoying what I eat! The progress is slow and at the beginning, not so pleasant. I had a hard time detoxing from sugar (headaches mostly) and the time it took to find good recipes that worked for my family and budget was exhausting. But let me tell you, it was SO worth it! I figured out how to make it easier and I want to give it to you!
I want to share in your journey and help you along the way. I made a FREE printable 20-week challenge to help you get started. All I need from you is for you to subscribe to my email list! You will immediately receive this FREE resource to help you stay on plan and on track for 4 months! If I had such results in only 2 months, just imagine yours in 4!
Your FREE printable will include:
Challenges to keep you focused
Check Ins to see your progress
Tools and resources for success
And more!
There's no right or wrong time to start making a difference! So join the journey today and start living a healthier life! Subscribe below or find me on Facebook to get invited to the group for the FREE resources!